Andreas Gajdosik
Artworks CV Mentions Thoughts

Konec Vlády Autostrády / The End of the Motorway Rule

A series of posters in support of the “Thirty for Prague” movement to limit the speed limit to 30km/h in Prague. The parody series depicts the Mayor of Prague Bohuslav Svoboda, who is a big fan of car traffic, in the style of socialist realism. On the posters Svoboda is depicted as a communist dictator standing in front of crowds of cars.

In this artwork Prague’s main road “Magistrála”, a de facto highway stretching through the city centre, served me as the link between the current right-wing and the communist regime. Magistrála was built by the communist regime and defended by the current right-wing governments, which vehemently oppose its humanisation. “The end of motorway rule” (Konec vlády magistrály) is a variation on the pre-revolutionary slogan “The end of one-party rule” (Konec vlády jedné strany).

Konec Vlády Autostrády, artwork Konec Vlády Autostrády, artwork Konec Vlády Autostrády, artwork Konec Vlády Autostrády, artwork Konec Vlády Autostrády, artwork