Andreas Gajdosik is czech new media artist. Born 1992, Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, based in Prague. He focuses on useful art, socially engaged projects and artivism which often incorporate programming, new technologies and interventional provocative attitudes. He is interested in ethical source software, sharing, DIY culture and experimental forms. Was member of dissolved Pavel Ondračka collective. Award holder of Jindrich Chalupecky Award 2019.
- 2019: Doctoral study - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts - doc. MgA. Mikuláš Macháček +
- 2016-2018: Masters study - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts, Intermedia Studio - MgA. Pavel Sterec, Ph.D. +
- 2012-2016: Bachelors study - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts, Multimedia Studio - Filip Turek, Mgr. Slavomir Krekovic, Ph.D. +
- 2024
- Biased Play, Trinec City Gallery, Třinec, CZ
- 2022
- It’s in your hands,, Berlin, DE
- 2021
- App-art 3: Bots of obvia & nomin, Kontext Gallery, Brno, CZ
- 2020
- The Best of Possible Researches, collaboration with Barbora Šimková, Vysocina Regional Gallery in Jihlava, CZ
- Seventh Class, collaboration with Barbora Šimková, Gallery Art, Brno, CZ
- 2018
- Conclusions of Police Investigation, Gallery Umakart, Brno, CZ
- 2017
- Do It Yourself, gallery Rampa, Faculty of Art and Design, Usti nad Labem, CZ
- Take Away, MP7 Gallery, festival TRANSFORMA, Tabor, CZ
- 2016
- Rising Superstar Hotline, media event and performance as member of group Pavel Ondracka, Manifesta 11, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich, Switzerland
- 2014
- Digital Subconsciousness, gallery Art, Brno, CZ
Group Exhibitions
- 2024
- Bezohlední / Unscrupulous, Off Format Gallery, Brno, CZ
- Škvíra v Extázi II, Sculpture ark Olšiny, Prague, CZ
- Re-connect Art biennale, Prague, CZ
- Good Job, Hraničář gallery, Ústí nad Labem, CZ
- 2023
- Škvíra v Extázi, Sculpture park Olšiny, Prague, CZ
- 2022
- Can We Help You?, Gampa - City Gallery Pardubice, CZ
- 2021
- All Idiots, Meetfactory Gallery, Prague, CZ
- The More Profiles You Have, The More of a Person You Are, House of Arts Usti nad Labem, CZ
- The Art of Appreciating, Modern Gallery AVU, Prague, CZ
- Unscrupulous, Photogether Gallery, Zlín, CZ
- Here and now!, with Global Genocide Inc., Brno House of Arts, Brno, CZ
- 2020
- Sand in the Gears, gallery PLATO Ostrava, CZ
-, Ústí nad Labem House of Arts, CZ
- 2019
- The Power of the Powerless, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia
- Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2019, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZ
- 2017
- The Last Word, Gallery In:Out, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 2015
- Exhibition of Painters, Milos Zeman Gallery, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno, CZ
- Intuition, Vasulka Chamber, National Gallery of Iceland, Reikjavik, Iceland
- 2014
- World Wide Waldeinsamkeit, gallery Oberwelt, Stuttgart, Germany
- Hypertext, gallery Aula, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno, CZ
- 2019-2021: member of artistic group / fake company link:[Global Genocide Inc.]
- 2017-2019: member of performative noise music group European Union (link:[facebook], link:[soundcloud], link:[youtube])
- 2015-2017: member of DIY Studio of Pavel Ondracka at FFA VUT (link:[facebook])
- 2014-2017: member of performative noise music group Pavel Ondracka (link:[facebook], link:[soundcloud], link:[youtube])
Publications and public activity
- 2021 ** link:[Cambridge Artalytica: Software art as a tool of psychogeography], online lecture at Faculty of Art and Design UJEP, Usti nad Labem, CZ
- 2020 ** Curator of link:[] - Faculty of Fine Arts BUT Graduate 2020 Exhibition ** Coding and co-design of FFA BUT gender-neutral web of graduates link:[]
- 2019 ** Party-Extinct-Repeat, 3-day long performance with Global Genocide Inc., Terén - Center of Experimental Theater, Brno, CZ
- 2018 ** Article link:[The end of the exploration: Internet art in transition to society], ** Presentation at (un)conference ‘How to Weather The Shrit Storm?’, 4AM, Brno, CZ ** Article link:[Hodina mezi mízou a jantarem: Digitální dílo v době své technické dvojjedinosti], Journal of Interactive Media - JOINME, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ
- Presentation with Studio of Pavel Ondracka, conference ‘What to do?’, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, CZ
- Presentation at Pecha Kucha 20 - Postmodernity, 4AM, Brno, CZ
- Pavleni - series of student run lectures in Studio of Pavel Ondracka, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno, CZ - organization of events
- Connect - 3 workshops of creative programming, organization and teaching, Brno, CZ
- Musical workshop of group Pavel Ondracka, Museums Night, Ceske Budejovice, CZ - teaching, design of DIY instruments
- Presentation on topic of ‘Magicariat’, international conference Intuition, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno, CZ
- Platform for Intervention of Electronic Media, Brno, CZ - organization
Residencies & Schools
- artistic residency at Czech Centre Bucharest, Romania
- The Bratislava BAK Winter School, participant, LOM, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
- New Alphabet School: (Un-)Learning Place, participant, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
- Award holder of Josef Hlavka Award 2021 for young academics
- Award holder of Jindrich Chalupecky Award 2019 for emerging artists