Andreas Gajdosik
Artworks CV Exhibitions Mentions Thoughts


Crisis Fund

| artwork > #arte_útil #institutional_critique

‘Crisis Fund’, in the authorial duo with Jonas Svoboda, is an artwork consisting in minimizing the costs of creating the work and transferring the exhibition budget for the realization of the work to other artists. Presented as part of the ‘Good Job’ exhibition, this artwork allows visiting artists to apply for financial assistance to cover expenses such as transportation, materials or fees that were not covered in their own art projects in the previous year.

The Raft of the Frogman

| artwork > #performance #climate_change

Performance as an interface between IT worker, frog in a pot, grotesque and ecological tragedy. I created a floating monument of recycling out of waste plastic containers for motor oil as a solution for unlimited production. Dressed in normcore clothing, I then took to the water to celebrate the triumph of man over the impact of man with three victorious frog leaps. Then it got ugly. Vacation on a warming lake turned into a nightmare for the unaware ICT worker, Mr Froggie (1-99).

Konec Vlády Autostrády / The End of the Motorway Rule

| artwork > #artivism #ecology #environment #Prague #politics #transportation #socialist realism

A series of posters in support of the “Thirty for Prague” movement to limit the speed limit to 30km/h in Prague. The parody series depicts the Mayor of Prague Bohuslav Svoboda, who is a big fan of car traffic, in the style of socialist realism. On the posters Svoboda is depicted as a communist dictator standing in front of crowds of cars. In this artwork Prague’s main road “Magistrála”, a de facto highway stretching through the city centre, served me as the link between the current right-wing and the communist regime.

Veřejně prospěšné umělecké práce / Community Art Service

| artwork > #arte_útil #performance

In order to explore the meaning of art in times of pandemic and war, I decided to be radically useful. Wearing a work suit with the inscription “Community Art Service”, I cleaned up the city of Pardubice for a month. Freed from the pressure of assignments, demands and supervision of a traditional employer, as a free worker I let myself be openly guided and dérived by the situations, people and streets of an unknown city.


| artwork > #video #neural_networks #dataset #ai

Truthify, in collaboration with Vilem Duha and Petr Racek, is a speculative video (7:38) about the eponymous startup that seeks to manipulate the perception of reality of future neural networks through the manipulation of open source datasets. Specifically, to map a dataset of images of Czech art under the general tag of art, with the aim of promoting Czech art as more detectable and known, and therefore as more arty than global art.


andreas at gajdosik dot org